Fun Mommy and Me Classes for Children Six Months to Five Years!

We have Mommy and Me Classes for children who are not ready to talk, those who have started talking, and those who never stop talking.

But, they’re not just for mommies!  Our Mommy and Me Classes are open to dads, grandparents, nannies & all other caregivers.

Welcome to Play with Purpose!

A Mommy and Me Class for Children with Special Needs

mommy and me group play with purpose

All Children Deserve Fun & Friendship

We will gather to play, have fun, and boost their communication skills using time-tested language strategies.  Children of all ability levels are welcome.

A Special Time for Children with Special Needs

Whether we’re playing in the Jungle (our playroom) or using developmentally-appropriate art activities, this is sure to be a good time for you and your child!

Please Scroll to the Bottom of the Page for Details & Sign-up Link

Welcome to “the ART of…” Series!

Mommy and Me Classes for Neurotypical & Neurodivergent Children

the art of play is a language enrichment group for 6-18 month olds

Exploratory Play for Babies

This Mommy and Me Class for 6-18 month olds uses baby-friendly, food-based art experiences and language techniques to expand their minds and grow new language skills.  Let’s get them ready to talk!

the art of chatter is a language enrichment group for 18-36 month olds

Language Building for Toddlers

This Mommy and Me Class for 18-36 month olds uses toddler-friendly art activities and language strategies to increase their vocabulary and phrase/sentence skills.  Let’s build those language skills!

the art of reading is a language and literacy enrichment group for 3-5 year olds.

Reading Readiness for Preschoolers

This Mommy and Me Class for 3-5 year olds uses preschool-friendly art and storytime activities to foster critical pre-reading skills and help their brain get ready for what comes next.

We will engage your child’s curiosity & creativity from the beginning using fun, hands-on activities to boost the right skills at the right time.

Most programs include play in the Jungle… a themed playroom dedicated to our children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech.  If they’re independent, you’re invited to relax in the Parent Lounge & watch a live stream of all the fun.

When Children Are Truly Engaged and Having Fun, Their Learning Skyrockets!

Please Scroll to the Bottom of the Page for Details & Sign-up Link

The Nitty Gritty Details

Play with Purpose

This program is best for children who:

    • Are 2 to 4 years old
    • Are late talkers or have been diagnosed with a delay or disorder
    • Need fun and social play
    • Love playing with their adults

Together, we will:

    • Engage them through sensory, art & play activities that use all of their senses
    • Respond to their communication in whatever way they communicate (pre-verbal or verbal)
    • Show them we’re listening and encourage them to communicate more

This is important because:

    • Play, fun & friendship are part of one’s quality of life
    • The earlier they engage in communication, the earlier their communication and language skills will develop
    • Learning how to respond to their unique ways of communicating will encourage lifelong learning
    • It’s just plain fun!

When is it & how much does it cost?

    • Wednesdays, 8:00-9:00 am
    • May 3rd to June 21st
      • Closed May 17th
      • Make-up date if we’re unable to hold a class: July 5th
    • $375

Please note: groups are limited to four children and their adults

the ART of play

This program is best for children who:

    • Are 6 to 18 months old
    • Are typically-developing
    • Have a family history of language delays or learning disabilities
    • Could benefit from messy play so they learn to tolerate new sensations
    • Love playing with their adults

Together, we will:

    • Engage them through age-appropriate play that uses all of their senses
    • Use sensory and other exploratory activities to facilitate early communication skills
    • Practice responding to their earliest attempts at communication to enable faster learning

This is important because:

    • Communication begins VERY early… earlier than most realize!
    • The faster we can show them that we’re listening and begin shaping their language skills, the more robust their brain development will be
    • It’s just plain fun!

When is it & how much does it cost?

    • Mondays, 9:00-9:45 am
    • April 17 to June 5
      • Closed for Memorial Day
      • Make-up dates are on June 12th and 19th
    • $325

Please note: groups are limited to six children and their adults

the ART of chatter

This program is best for children who:

    • Are 18-36 months old
    • Are typically-developing or are later talkers
    • Have a family history of language delays or learning disabilities (especially those with a family history of dyslexia and/or dysgraphia)
    • Could use a gentle push in the areas of speech and language
    • Love storytime, art & play!

Together, we will:

    • Use toddler-friendly art activities to encourage vocabulary development and sentence length expansion
    • Practice early and critical skills in the areas of phonological, semantic, and syntactic langauge

This is important because:

    • The earlier skills develop, the stronger they will be
    • Strong language skills often result in strong academic skills later on
    • Play, language, and cognitive skills develop together… when there is a delay in one area, there is usually a delay in all three areas
      • Likewise, a growth spurt in one area can cause growth spurts in other areas!

When is it & how much does it cost?

    • Mondays, 10:15-11:00 am
    • April 17 to June 5
      • Closed for Memorial Day
      • Make-up dates are on June 12th and 19th
    • $325

Please note: groups are limited to six children and their adults

the ART of reading

This program is best for children who:

    • Are 3 to 5 years old
    • Are typically-developing or were later talkers
    • Have a family history of language delays or learning disabilities (especially those with a family history of dyslexia and/or dysgraphia)
    • Want a head start on the road to reading in kindergarten
    • Love storytime, art & play!

Together, we will:

    • Use art and story time activities to engage them in fun and learning
    • Practice early and critical skills in the areas of phonological awareness, the alphabetic principle, and letter-sound knowledge during fun art activities, read-alouds, etc.

This is important because:

    • The reading and spelling skills learned in elementary school actually begin in preschool when they gain an understanding of the sounds coming out of their mouth
    • Playing with the sounds coming out of their mouth through activities like rhyming and alliteration form the foundation of reading and spelling skills because letters are simply visual representations of speech sounds
    • By strengthening these skills now, we can actually avoid problems down the road (this is especially true for those at risk for dyslexia)

When is it & how much does it cost?

    • Mondays, 12:15-1:45 pm
    • April 17 to June 5
      • Closed for Memorial Day
      • Make-up dates are on June 12th and 19th
    • $375

Please note: groups are limited to six children and their adults