Parents & SLPs Working Together
You feed them, right? Drive them around?
Perfect! That’s all we need.
Days are long and time is short. The thought of more “homework” sends shivers up your spine.
It’s ok. We’ve got you.
After nearly 20 years of working with parents, we have developed a knack for modifying what to say during normal routines… the things you’re already doing! We leverage this time and your interactions to create a strong, lasting impact.

Watch it Happen
We believe in the power of parents and we want to work with you. That means we sometimes ask you to participate in activities. Why? Because if you can replicate therapy at home, their progress will be unstoppable!
But, we get it. If you don’t take a break, no one will be happy. A few minutes of quiet is often priceless. If that’s the case, watch us work with your child in-person either at the table, from the couch, or remotely from your home… we’ll set up a camera so you can watch the session and have your coffee, too! Either way, we’ll be sure to save the last 5-10 minutes to answer questions, explain strategies, and provide tips.
You were their first teacher. Now you can be their best teacher.
Parents play a critical role in how well children do in speech-language therapy.
Get involved! Ask questions!
Together we’ll help your child succeed!